Quality Beyond Compliance: Taking Charge of Your CIL's True Potential (15 Hours)

Beginning Date: 
End Date: 
Type of Training: 

About the Training

Originally offered as a two-and-a-half day program, this training will provide you with the necessary skills and resources to ensure high quality programs and services at your CIL that will also ensure compliance with RSA’s legal requirements. Our team of presenters from all over the nation provide a framework for national discussion around how CILs can take control of their quality proactively, rather than getting caught up in “compliance only” thinking. The training discusses tools that can be used by centers to monitor and excel in their performance, including reports that can be generated by various data collection tools, peer review models, and the setting and accomplishment of desired outcomes. In an era of heightened scrutiny of federal programs and non-profits, Centers have told us that this is the sort of training they want and we’ve responded with the best programs and presenters available.

Please note, this quality-focused curriculum is not a training on outcome measures or compliance, but how those and other aspects of operations can be woven into a total approach for achieving excellence.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this training, you will gain the skills and knowledge to be able to:

  • Distinguish between quality and outcomes
  • Develop a framework for identifying quality outcomes for your CIL.
  • Demonstrate to colleagues why quality matters within the nonprofit world and especially within the CIL world.
  • Ensure your own CILs quality instead of relying on external compliance reviews
  • Understand and utilize RSA’s Review Tool checklist for monitoring centers as a starting point for self-assessment of quality for the center
  • Identify barriers to using RSA’s checklist for self-assessment.
  • Use an independent audit, consumer satisfaction data, and database software as tools to measure quality.
  • Recognize red flags that may signal fraud or abuse of federal funds
  • Identify example approaches to quality review (CA CIL peer to peer, WI QUILs, CARF)
  • Discuss outcome measurement and the NCIL task force recommendations for future quality standards and reporting

Target Audience

CIL executive directors, program managers, board members and others committed to ensuring excellent quality at their Center.

Program/Video Sessions

Day One

Day Two

Day Three