Elevating Rural Disability Data for Policy Impact
About the training
RTC: Rural will be digging into the data on September 24! They teamed up with the Urban Institute to host a summit to examine equity, access, and representation in disability data collection. Please plan to join us and our diverse panel of rural data experts for an engaging and informative discussion on improving rural disability data. Join them at 2:30-4:00 PM ET on September 24, 2024.
Disability data are taking center stage. Policymakers are paying closer attention to ensuring equity, access, and representation in data collection for marginalized and underserved communities. Over the past few years, disabled advocates and researchers have revealed a lack of disability representation, data quality concerns, and access limitations across datasets and throughout data improvement efforts. Poor-quality data, lack of representation, and access barriers limit the ability of researchers, disability leaders, policymakers, and service providers to make informed decisions to improve the lives of people with disabilities.
Gaps in data significantly affect rural people with disabilities and the communities where they live. This matters because people with disabilities are disproportionately represented in rural areas. The Urban Institute and the Research and Training Center on Disability in Rural Communities (RTC:Rural) are partnering to ensure that rural voices and experiences are included in ongoing data conversations. Join us to hear a diverse group of researchers, advocates, and service providers discuss the opportunities and challenges they face using data to advocate for and understand the rural disability experience. Contribute your voice to the national disability data dialogue. At this critical time, we can elevate the rural experience and explore how we can improve rural disability data to make data-informed decisions to shape disability policy.