Examples of How CILs Are Using CARES Act Funding

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About the Fact Sheet

The IL-NET Training and Technical (T&TA) Center has compiled a list of how CILs are utilizing CARES Act funds to address the COVID-19 needs of consumers. The purpose of this list is to share what’s going on in the field in order to assist your CIL in generating ideas on how to best use these supplemental funds. However, ideas appearing on this list are not guaranteed to be the best solution for your CIL. Your CIL is well-positioned to determine the best use of these funds as an expert on the needs of your community and unique challenges related to COVID-19 that your consumers may be experiencing.

For more information on CARES Act funding and allowability please review the Administration on Community Living (ACL) FAQ Centers for Independent Living: COVID-19 Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act of 2020 (https://www.ilru.org/resources-covid-19).

Information is now available on the CARES Act Funding: No-Cost Extension in a Fact Sheet at https://www.ilru.org/cares-act-funding-no-cost-extension-fact-sheet.

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