IL-NET National Training & Technical Assistance Center on Independent Living for SILCs
ILRU's National IL-NET T&TA Center for SILCs provides information, training and technical assistance to statewide independent living councils to help them (1) operate effective organizations; (2) fulfill their role in developing state plans for independent living; (3) monitor, review, and evaluate the implementation of completed plans; and (4) develop partnerships with designated state entities and other agencies to foster effective independent living programs. A companion center for CILs serves centers for independent living.
Training for SILCs
On-location training, online courses, national webinars, individualized technical assistance, Web-based tutorials, training materials, fact sheets, electronic newsletters and social media pages, and other resource materials are offered by the IL-NET T&TA Center.
Technical Assistance for SILCs
SILC staff, council members, or others involved in independent living may request assistance by contacting Paula McElwee, IL-NET T&TA Center Director for Technical Assistance.
SPIL Training and Technical Assistance Series is a monthly peer discussion group.
IL-NET Technical Assistance Blog -- information on a number of topics.
Publications of interest to SILCs
The IL-NET T&TA Center updates and publishes the ILRU Directory of Statewide Independent Living Councils (SILCs).
Reports of IL-NET surveys and other publications on topics of interest to SILCs are available on this website.