CIL Management & Operations
On-demand Training
- Workplan Development for Centers for Independent Living (1.5 Hours)
- How to Create the Best Board and Staff Relationships in Your CIL (1.5 Hours)
- Understanding the Role of the Independent Living (IL) Network Before, During and After a Disaster (1.5 Hours)
- Participant-Direction in Health Payer Contracting for Centers for Independent Living
- Management 101: A Guide for New CIL Executive Directors (1 Course)
- Peer-to-Peer - Let’s Talk About Strategies for this New Disability Innovation Fund (DIF): Pathways to Partnerships (1 Hour)
Presenter(s): Sandra Breitengross Bitter, Paula McElwee, Jill Jacobs, Erica McFadden
- Top Experts Answer CIL Questions About Contracts with Health Payers (2.5 Hours)
Presenter(s): Rick Fredrickson, Christina Mills, Amber OHaver, Richard Petty, Paula McElwee
- IL-NET First Biennial IL Institute: A Deep Dive into Consumer Control and Leadership (7 Hours)
Presenter(s): Aaron Baier, Marisa Cantu, Bill Henning, Darrell Lynn Jones, Lou Ann Kibbee, Paula McElwee, Bonnie O'Day, Kimberly Tissot, Richard Petty
- CIL's Use of Self and Peer Monitoring as a Management Tool (1.5 Hours)
Presenter(s): Paula McElwee, Annetta Johnson, Kyle Kleist
- Hospital to Home: A Collaborative Between Community Partners Two-Part Series (3 Hours)
Presenter(s): Patricia Yeager, Joseph Foecking, Indy Frazee, Amanda Strantz
- Ready for Review - Using ACL’s Compliance & Outcome Monitoring Protocol (COMP) Tool to Achieve Excellence: Two-Part Presentation (3 Hours)
Presenter(s): Paula McElwee
- Operating Independent Living Programs in the Face of Coronavirus: A Q&A Session for CILs and SILCs (1.5 Hours)
Presenter(s): Paula McElwee, Susan Dooha, Jeremy Morris, Richard Petty, Marcie Roth, Corinna Stiles, Yomi Wrong, Tim Fuchs
- Top 10 Mistakes That Can Put Your CIL or SILC At Risk (1.5 Hours)
Presenter(s): Paula McElwee
- Supporting Your CIL Board for Success
Presenter(s): Paula McElwee, Anne Weeks
- Disability, Diversity, and Intersectionality in CILs: Making New Friends and Playing Well with Others (1.5 Hours)
Presenter(s): Stanley A. Holbrook, Ron Halog, Elsa Quezada
- Disability, Diversity, and Intersectionality in CILs: Creating Supportive Organizational Culture and Infrastructure (1.5 hours)
Presenter(s): Stanley A. Holbrook, Reyma McCoy McDeid, Daisy Feidt
- Preventing and Responding to Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment in CILs (1.5 Hours)
Presenter(s): Jan Derry, Roberta Sick
- Attract and Retain Your Best CIL Board Members (1.5 Hours)
Presenter(s): Paula McElwee
- Resource Development for CILs: Opening the Floodgates to Sustainability (1.5 Hours)
Presenter(s): Karen Eber Davis
- Fees-for-Service in CILs: A two-part series (2.5 Hours)
Presenter(s): Dennis Fitzgibbons
- CIL Boards of Directors Series (2 courses in the series)
- Leadership: Shifting Your CIL into High Gear (1.5 Hours)
Presenter(s): Christy Dunaway, Robert Hand, Bill Henning, Lee Schulz
- Effective Rural Outreach: Using the Concerns Report Method as a Tool for Change (1.5 Hours)
Presenter(s): Mike Mayer, Tom Seekins
- The Strategic Management Series: Sound Employment Practices for CILs Part 4: Managing Workplace Risks (1.5 Hours)
Presenter(s): Melanie Lockwood Herman
- The Strategic Management Series: Sound Employment Practices for CILs Part 3: Discipline and Departure (1.5 Hours)
Presenter(s): Melanie Lockwood Herman
- The Strategic Management Series: Sound Employment Practices for CILs Part 2: Staff Supervision and Evaluation (1.5 Hours)
Presenter(s): Melanie Lockwood Herman
- The Strategic Management Series: Sound Employment Practices for CILs Part 1: Effective Hiring Practices (1.5 Hours)
Presenter(s): Melanie Lockwood Herman
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