Melanie Lockwood Herman

Author Profile


Melanie Lockwood Herman, Executive Director, Nonprofit Risk Management Center

In a world that is fraught with danger, it is comforting to know that Melanie Lockwood Herman is holding on tight to the handlebars of the Nonprofit Risk Management Center. The Center provides training, technical assistance and informational resources to help nonprofits take a practical approach to managing risk so that they can fulfill their missions and stay out of trouble.

A prolific author of a more than a dozen comprehensive (and comprehensible!) guides on various risk management topics, Melanie has delivered countless workshops, seminars, and keynote presentations for organizations simply unwilling to leave success to chance. Melanie earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Urban Affairs from American University (Washington, DC) and a Juris Doctor from George Mason University (Arlington, VA). She is a member of the District of Columbia Bar Association.

Melanie's books include Taking the High Road: A Guide to Effective and Legal Employment Practices for Nonprofits.

In 2007 and 2008 Melanie was named to the NonProfit Times "Power & Influence Top 50," a list of "executives and thinkers ... selected for the impact they have now and for the innovative plans they are putting in place to evolve the charitable sector."

A calculated risk taker, Melanie loves raw fish, scalding coffee, and riding her 2009 Buell Blast, 1964 Norton Electra or 1970 BSA Bantam motorcycles (she always wears her helmet). She also embraces risk by serving on three nonprofit boards. To be on the safe side, she serves as Chair of the Administrative Council, lay speaker and organist of her church.

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