Jill Jacobs

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Jill Jacobs serves as Executive Director of the ENDependence Center of Northern Virginia (ECNV). She is an accomplished advocate and activist with an expertise in human and disability rights. 

In her previous position at Booz Allen Hamilton, she advised on projects for the Department of Health and Human Services, Veteran’s Affairs, Centers for Disease Control, and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, with a primary emphasis on Home and Community-based (HCBS) Long-term care. Prior to that, Jill founded and served for eighteen years as the CEO of Ability Unleashed, a Medicaid HCBS case management agency. She has held executive positions at various nonprofit and government entities and served on boards to include the World Association of People with Disabilities and UCP of Washington & Northern Virginia. She is currently on the boards of the National Council on Independent Living and the Moses West Foundation.


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