IL-NET National Training & Technical Assistance Center on Independent Living for CILs

ILRU's National IL-NET T&TA Center for CILs supports the independent living movement and the operation, management, and evaluation of strong and effective centers for independent living led and staffed by people who practice the independent living philosophy. The Center fulfills this mission by providing a continuum of information, training and technical assistance designed to assist centers to operate effective organizations; to fulfill their role as community advocates and change agents; and to develop strong, consumer-responsive services. A companion center for SILCs serves Statewide Independent Living Councils.


Training for CILs

On-location training, online courses, national webinars, Web-based information, training materials, fact sheets, and other resource materials are offered by the IL-NET T&TA Center.

Complete List of Training for CILs

Training for New CIL Staff

Technical Assistance

Technical assistance, peer mentoring and intensive support for centers at risk can be requested by contacting the Director for Technical Assistance.

The IL-NET T&TA Center Technical Assistance Blog provides information on a number of topics.