Learn About the Association of Programs for Rural Independent Living (APRIL) Peer Mentoring Program

One of the key foundations upon which independent living was established and continues to thrive, is the concept of learning from one's peers-- peer mentoring.

APRIL believes that “experience is the best teacher" when it comes to operating a CIL or SILC and that the peer mentoring philosophy works best for CILs and SILCs as well.

APRIL has a Peer-to-Peer Mentoring Program that encourages leaders with disabilities who are subject experts on a variety of topics related to rural America and disability to share their knowledge and expertise with Centers for Independent Living (CILs) and Statewide Independent Living Centers (SILCs) across the United States and it's territories.

CIL to CIL Mentoring
Typically this mentoring is done with an Executive Director of a CIL to another Executive Director of a CIL. We will also consider other subject matter experts, such as Youth Coordinators, Nursing Home Transition Coordinators, Program Managers/Assistant Directors, etc.

SILC to SILC Mentoring
This is typically done with a SILC staff to SILC staff. We can offer a SILC Chair mentor on a case by case basis.

Learn more and visit the APRIL website to apply.

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