Dan Kessler

Author Profile


Dan Kessler has served as Executive Director of Disability Rights and Resources since 1989. He holds a Master’s Degree from Florida State University with an emphasis on Administration and Program Evaluation, and a Bachelor’s degree from Purdue University. He is a past President of the National Council on Independent Living (NCIL). He has also served as NCIL Vice-President, Chair of the Regional Representatives, Region 4 Representative, At-Large Board member, and Chair of the Housing Subcommittee. He is a member of the board of the Southern Disability Foundation (Ability Loan Program), Governor’s Office on Disability Advisory Committee, the Alabama State Independent Living Council, and the City of Birmingham’s ADA Advisory Committee, and has serves as the Network Administrator for the Alabama affiliate of the Southeast ADA Center. He is co-chair of the NCIL Outcome Measures Task Force.

Contact Info: 

Disability Rights and Resources
Birmingham, AL