Leslie Myers

Author Profile


Leslie Myers is the Senior Program Associate of the Accessing Safety Initiative at the Center on Victimization and Safety at the Vera Institute. Prior to joining Vera, Leslie worked as the project director for Milwaukee's Disability Grant Program's multi-disciplinary collaboration focused on enhancing the capacity of service providers and improving the coordination of supports and services for women with disabilities who are victims/survivors of violence. Leslie began working on this issue in 1998 when she began her tenure at IndependenceFirst in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She has served on the Wisconsin Governor’s Council on Domestic Violence, was appointed as a commissioner for the Milwaukee Commission on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, and co-chaired the National Council on Independent Living’s Task Force on Violence and Abuse of People with Disabilities. She also chaired the Disability Abuse Committee, which was responsible for the development of the DART (Disability Abuse Response Team) Protocol, which has been duplicated in cities and states around the country.

Contact Info: 

Leslie Myers, MS, CRC, CDVC
DART Program Manager
600 W Virginia Street, 4th Floor
Milwaukee, WI 53204
(414) 291-7520 V/TTY
(414) 226-8381 Direct Voice

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