Kimberly Arnett

Kimberly Arnett's picture

Author Profile


Kim is the Director of Community Operations at The Ability Center of Greater Toledo (ACT). After graduating from Eastern Michigan University in 1996, she began her career as an Activities Director in a nursing home and, later, in a community setting for people living with Alzheimer’s. During her first four years of work experience she learned one thing: a nursing home is not, and never will be, a place to call home!

In January of 2001, she began her journey at The Ability Center as the Youth Services Coordinator. From day one, she experienced that “AH-HA!” feeling we all search for in our careers, and knew this is where she belonged! Over the years she has worn many hats, dabbling in a little bit of everything the center has to offer. In 2005, she settled into her current position of Director of Consumer Services.

Kim's current role includes being the sounding board for all programs. She provides support to both ACT staff and the consumers they serve to ensure that things run smoothly and that the Mission is on track.

Contact Info: 

Phone: 419.885.5733
The Ability Center of Greater Toledo (ACT), 5605 Monroe Street, Sylvania, OH 43560