Advancing Competitive Integrated Employment Through Managed Long-Term Services & Supports

Join the next DETAC webinar focused on the use and benefits of value, performance, and outcome-based payment methodologies to help further advance competitive integrated employment (CIE) within managed long-term services and supports (MLTSS) programs. Join us on February 8, 2022.

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In this webinar, you will learn about effective practices being implemented from both emerging and long-standing state MLTSS programs. From these examples, you will see how the proactive partnerships formed helped create effective payment methodologies to advance CIE opportunities and outcomes for people with disabilities receiving MLTSS. AoD grantees play a key role for the creation of sustainable partnerships to design and implement value, performance, and outcome-based payment methodologies to advance CIE for individuals with disabilities.

Webinar presenters will include representatives from Inclusa Inc., Moving to a Different Drum LLC, and Michigan Developmental Disabilities Council. And, a self-advocate will share his experience with MLTSS to achieve meaningful employment

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