The National Rural Health Association Article: New NRHA Initiative Focuses on Age-Friendly Care

The National Rural Health Association (NRHA) released an article in Rural Horizons, "New NRHA Initiative Focuses on Age-Friendly Care."

The NRHA initiative will help providers offer comprehensive age-friendly care to one in five older adults living in rural areas. Older adults in rural areas face unique concerns not shared by their urban counterparts. Issues such as traveling farther distances, fewer community spaces, hospital closures and health care provider shortages have left rural older adults at higher risk for worsening health outcomes.

NRHA received funding from JAHF to create the National Rural Age-Friendly Initiative. The collaboration combines research, partnerships, educational sessions and community outreach at the state, regional and federal levels to advance age-friendly care in rural areas.

Read the Rural Horizons article.
Visit the NRHA website.
Learn more about JAHF's support of NRHA.

This item is posted for The John A. Hartford Foundation