Core Services for Centers for Independent Living (7 courses in the series)
About this RapidCourse Series
This series is designed to be used in orientation and training for new CIL staff and as a refresher for existing staff. The primary, although not exclusive, audience for the course, is front line workers in centers. Core services are—information and referral; IL skills training; peer counseling; and individual and systems advocacy; and transition. Courses will be added as they are developed.
Courses in the series include:
Developing an Effective Peer Support Program in Centers for Independent Living
This course offers program examples, tools, and strategies for peer recruitment, training, motivation, supervision, coordination and evaluation. -
Expanding CIL Services for Youth in Transition
This course details necessary elements of youth in transition that meet the definition of the required core service, provides strategies for involving youth and youth-driven programs in CILs, identifies promising practices for strengthening youth services and details avenues for broadening the funding and reach of IL services to youth and young adults.
Independent Living Skills Training for Centers for Independent Living
This course details key elements of the core service of Independent Living Skills Training, how to incorporate principles of adult learning into consumer training, and methods for measuring and reporting training efforts. -
Individual Advocacy in Centers for Independent Living
This course details the four steps of effective individual advocacy as a core service that changes people's lives through empowerment and choice.
- Implementing Institutional Transition and Diversion Strategies in Centers for Independent Living (CILs)
This course provides an overview of the CIL core services for centers for independent living created by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended in 2014. - Information and Referral for Centers for Independent Living
This course is for staff responsible for Information & Referral and consumer intake at Centers for Independent Living and covers skills and components needed to run an exemplary Information & Referral program.
- Systems Advocacy in Centers for Independent Living
This course covers the six elements of an effective systems advocacy model and strategies for measuring a CIL’s systems advocacy efforts. The primary audience includes CIL executive directors, program managers, independent living specialists and advocates, and other staff and board members of CILs who are involved in providing systems advocacy.
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